Friday, February 24, 2023

Mengapa Orang Fikir Anggota Badan Palsu Adalah Idea yang Baik?


Dunia berubahdenganpantas dan denganitukeperluanpesakitsemakinberkembang. Cara pesakitberjalanatauberdiri pada masa initelahberubahsejakbeberapadekad yang lalu dan generasihariinisedangmencariuntukmenyesuaikandirimerekadengankasutmerekadenganlebihbaik. Begitu juga untukmenggantikanbahagian badan yang hilang, anggotapalsudigunakan. Prostetikadalah mahal, tetapisesetengah orang berasaialebihsepertibahagian badan asalmerekadaripadaanggotatiruan. Oleh itu, marikitafahamimengapamendapatkananggotapalsuadalah idea yang baik.

Prostetikdigunakanuntukmenggantikananggota badan yang hilang.

Anggotapalsubolehdigunakanuntukkedua-dua lengan dan kaki, bergantung pada keperluanpesakit.Sesetengah orang mungkinmemilihuntukmenggunakanprostetikuntukmeningkatkanmobiliti, manakala yang lain mungkinmemilihnyauntuktujuankosmetiksahaja.

Dalam kebanyakankes, prostetikdiperbuatdaripadaplastikataulogamtetapiterdapat juga bahan lain yang digunakan (seperti gentian karbon).

Orang ramaiberpendapatbahawaanggotapalsuakanmembantumerekamendapatkansemulamobilitimereka.

Anggotapalsubolehdigunakanuntukmembantu orang ramaimelakukantugashariansepertiberjalan, mengangkatbarang dan juga menaikitangga. Walaubagaimanapum, iatidaksehebatanggota badan semulajadi dan iatidakbolehdigunakandalamsetiapkeadaan (contohnyajikaandajatuh).

Sesetengah orang yang kehilangananggota badan mereka juga inginkelihatansepertibahagian badan asalmerekakembali.

Ini kerana iamembuatkanmerekaberasalebihbaiktentangdirimerekasendiri, dan iamembantumerekamenjadilebihyakin.

Orang ramaibolehmendapatkananggotapalsu yang kelihatanlebihsepertilengan dan kaki biasaberbandingsebelumini.

Anggotapalsudiperbuatdaripadabahan yang berbeza, dan iabolehdirekabentuksupayakelihatansepertianggotaasal. Malah, beberapaanggotapalsudibuatuntukkelihatanlebihsemulajadiberbanding yang lain

Sebabnyaadalahterdapat dua jenisutamaanggota badan palsu: kosmetik (ataukosmesis) dan berorientasikanfungsi. Anggota badan kosmetikataukosmesiscenderungmenyerupailenganatau kaki sebenarseberapabanyak yang mungkin; walaubagaimanapum, jenispenyesuaianinimungkintidakcukupberfungsiuntukkegunaanharian.Prostetikberorientasikanfungsimempunyaitujuan yang berbeza; merekadirekabentukdenganmengambilkiratugastertentu: berlarimaratonataubermain bola keranjangmemerlukanjenisperalatan yang sangat berbezadaripada duduk di mejasepanjanghari!

Harga prostetik mahal sedikit.

Prostetikagak mahal, tetapiiabolehdilindungi oleh insurans.

Jika andatertanya-tanyamengapa orang menganggapanggotapalsuadalah idea yang baik, ini kerana iaberpatutan. Jika andatidakmempunyaiinsurans dan inginmendapatkananggotapalsu pula, masihadacarauntukandamembelinya.

Anda mungkintertanya-tanyasamaadamendapatkananggotapalsuadalahperkara yang sesuaiuntukanda.

Terdapatbanyaksebabmengapa orang memilihuntukmendapatkananggotapalsu, tetapipentinguntukmempertimbangkankesemuanyasebelummembuatkeputusananda.


Jika andaberfikirtentangmendapatkananggotapalsu, pentinguntukmengetahuiperkara yang andabolehjangkakan dan pastikaniasesuaiuntukkeperluananda. Prostetikagak mahal, jadipastikanandamempunyaiperlindunganinsuranssebelummelaluijalanini. Anda juga bolehberbincangdenganpakardalamArtalive yang bolehmembantumenentukansamaadamendapatkananggotapalsuadalahsesuaiuntuksituasiandaatautidak.

Contact Info:

Visit us:

No 16, Persiaran 65C, Pekeliling Business Centre, Off Jalan Pahang Barat, 53000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Contact: +60 3–4032 4273

Author: Sudarsan Swain

Cara Paling MudahuntukMembuatOrtosisTerbaik


Pernahkahandamengalamisakit kaki yang pelikdan yang tidakhilang? Iabolehmengecewakan, terutamanyajikaandatidakpastiapapenyebabnya.Tetapimalangnya, puncamasalahituperludicari dan diubati. Oleh itu, daripadamenunggukeajaibanberlaku, ambillahperkarainiketanganandasendiri. Rawat kaki andadenganbaikdenganmemasangortosis dan ikutipetuamudahini:

Pakai Ortosis Anda Dengan Betul

Pakai untuktempoh masa yang disyorkan. Iaadalahpentinguntukmemakaiortosisselagiandaboleh, terutamanya pada permulaanya. Sementaraitu kaki andamungkinberasasakitatauletih pada mulanya, iaberbaloiuntukjangka masa panjang kerana iniakanmembantuototandamenguatkan dan membiasakandiriuntukmenyokongdiridenganbetulsemula.

Pakai dengankerapsepanjanghari (tetapibukansemasatidur). Anda tidakmahumemakainyasekaliatau dua kali seminggusahaja – initidakakanmemberi kaki anda masa yang cukupuntukmenyesuaikandirisebelumiadikeluarkansemula!Sebaliknya, cubapakaisetiaphariselamasatuatau dua jam pada mulanyasehinggaiaberasacukupselesauntuktempohpenggunaan yang lebih lama; kemudianbinadari sana sehinggaandadapatberjalansepanjangharitanpasebarangmasalah.


Adalah pentinguntukmembuatpemeriksaansetiapbeberapabulan dan pastikansemuanyamasihdalamkeadaanberfungsi.Jika ortosis anda tidak dipasang dengan betul, ortosis tersebut mungkin tidak dapat membantu sehingga tahap yang diperlukan atau lebih teruk lagi boleh menyebabkan masalah dengan kaki anda dari semasa ke semasa

Jika ortosisandatidakdipasangdenganbetul, merekamungkintidakdapatmembantuseberapabanyak yang bolehataulebihteruklagibolehmenyebabkanmasalahdengan kaki andadarisemasakesemasa.

Bawa kasut yang dipasangdenganbetulbersamaandasemasamengukur kaki andasupayapakardapatmelihatjenissokongan yang diperlukanuntuksetiapjenis kaki. Jika terdapatsebarangketidakselesaanselepasmemakainyasekitarsatuatau dua jam di rumahsebelummenggunakansisipanbaharu (ortosis kaki), inimungkinpetunjukbahawaadasesuatu yang tidakbetuldenganseberapaketatpemasangannya (ataumungkinhanya kerana iamemerlukansedikit masa untukmembiasakandiri).


Anda harusbersenamdengankerap, bukansahaja kerana iabaikuntukkesihatanandatetapiuntukmembantuandamenurunkanberat badan dan mengekalkan BMI (Body Mass Index) yang sihat. Senamantelahterbuktimengurangkantekanan, meningkatkankualititidur dan menurunkantekanandarah.

Senaman juga membantumengekalkanketajaman mental andadenganmeningkatkanfungsiingatan dan keplastikanotak-(keupayaanotakuntukberubahmengikut masa) semasakitamempelajariperkarabaharuataumembentukhubunganbaharuantara neuron (selsaraf).


Jika andasedangmencarihasilterbaikdaripadaortosisanda, pertimbangkankesesuaiantersuai. Ortosisinidiperbuatdaripadaacuan kaki anda dan iaakanmenjadijauhlebihselesadaripadaprodukortotik yang dibelisecarasediaada. Keselesaantambahandatangdaripadadapatmembentukortosistepat pada bentuk kaki anda, yang membantudengansebarangkesakitanatauketidakselesaansertamemberikansokongan yang lebihbaik. Inilahbahagian yang terbaik ,ortosistersuaiini tidakakanmenelan kos yang lebihtinggidaripadapilihanluarortotik yang dibelisecarasediaada.

Untukmenggunakanortotikandadengansebaiknya, andaharusmelaburmasa di dalampemaikandenganbetul dan memeriksanyadengankerap.

Membelimegikutsaiz yang betul.


Memintaortosisdiperiksadengankerap. Jika andamemakaisepasang yang sesuai, adalahpentinguntukmemeriksanyasetiapbeberapabulan kerana perubahanbolehberlakudengancepat dan tidakdijangkaapabila kaki andamembesarataucedera. Dan jikaandamempunyaisebarangsoalanataukebimbanganmengenaiortosisanda, silahubungipejabat kami dengansegerasupaya kami bolehmembantu!

Dapatkankesesuaian yang sesuaijikaandamempunyaikeperluanunik (contohnya: lengkungantinggiatau bunion). Ramai orang yang mengalamikeadaaninimendapatibahawamerekamemerlukansokongankhasuntukmendapatkankelegaandaripadasimptommerekadan iniselalunyahanyabolehdicapaidenganmemasangkasutatausisipankhas di buat di klinikpakarseperti kami!


Kami berharapartikelinitelahmembantuandamemahamicaramenggunakanortotikdengansebaik-baiknya. Jika andaberminatuntukmengetahuilebihlanjuttentangfaedahortotikmuattersuai dan caraiabolehmeningkatkankualitihidupanda, silahubungi kami hariini!

Contact Info:

Visit us:

No 16, Persiaran 65C, Pekeliling Business Centre, Off Jalan Pahang Barat, 53000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Contact: +60 3–4032 4273

Author: Sudarsan Swain

Monday, February 20, 2023

The Simplest Ways to Make the Best of Orthosis


Have you ever had a foot ache or weird leg pain that just won't go away? It can be frustrating, especially if you're not sure what's causing it. But unfortunately, that needs to be cured and find out the root of the problem. So instead of waiting for magic to happen, take matters into your own hands. Treat your feet well by getting fitted with orthosis and following these simple tips:

Wear Your Orthosis Properly

● Wear them for the recommended amount of time. It's important to wear orthosis as long as you can, especially in the beginning. Meanwhile your feet may feel sore or tired at first, it's worth it in the long run because this will help your muscles strengthen and get used to supporting themselves properly again.

● Wear them regularly throughout the day (but not while sleeping). You don't want to wear them just once or twice a week--this won't give your feet enough time to adjust before they're taken out again! Instead, try wearing them every day for an hour or two at first until they feel comfortable enough for longer periods of use; then build up from there until you're able to walk around all day with no issues whatsoever.

Get Them Checked Regularly

● It's important to go in for a checkup every few months and make sure everything is still in working order. If your orthosis is not properly fitted, they may not be helping as much as they could be or worse yet may cause problems with your feet over the time.

● Bring the right fitted shoes along with you when getting your feet measured so that the specialist can see what kind of support is required for each foot type. If there's any discomfort after wearing them around an hour or two at home before taking the new inserts (foot orthosis), this might be an indication that something isn't quite right with how tightly fitted they are (or maybe just because it takes some time to get used to).

Have an Impact-Friendly Workout Routine

You should be exercising regularly, not just because it's good for your health but to help you lose weight and maintain a healthy BMI (Body Mass Index). Exercise has shown to reduce stress, improve sleep quality and lower blood pressure.

Exercise also helps keep you mentally sharp by improving memory function and brain plasticity-(the ability of the brain to change over time) as we learn new things or form new connections between neurons (nerve cells).

Consider a Custom Fit

If you're looking for the best possible results from your orthosis, consider a custom fit. These orthoses are made from molds of your feet and they will be considerably more comfortable than off-the-shelf orthotic products. The extra comfort comes from being able to mold the orthosis exactly to your foot shape, which helps with any pain or discomfort as well as providing better support. The best part? They won't cost much more than off-the-shelf options!

In order to make the best use of your orthotics, you should invest in them, wear them properly and have them checked regularly.

● Invest in the right size.

● Wear them regularly.

● Have them checked regularly. If you're wearing a custom-made pair, it's important to have them checked every few months as changes can happen quickly and unexpectedly as your feet grow or become injured. And if you have any questions or concerns about your orthotics, please contact our office immediately so we can help!

● Get a custom fit if you have a unique need (for example: high arches or bunions). Many people with these conditions find that they need special support in order to get relief from their symptoms--and this can often only be achieved by getting fitted for special shoes or inserts at an expert clinic like ours!


We hope that this article has helped you understand how to make the best use of orthotics. If you're interested in learning more about the benefits of custom-fit orthotics and how they can improve your quality of life, please contact us today!

Contact Info:

Visit us:

No 16, Persiaran 65C, Pekeliling Business Centre, Off Jalan Pahang Barat, 53000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Contact: +60 3–4032 4273

Author: Sudarsan Swain

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Why Do PeopleThink Prosthetic Limbs Are a Good Idea?


The world is changing rapidly and with it, the needs of patients are expanding. The way that patients currently walk or stand has changed over the last few decades, and today’s generation is looking to better match their quotes with their shoes. Similarly to replace a lost bodily part, prosthetic limbs are used. Prosthetics are expensive, but some people feel more like their original body part than an artificial limb. Thus, let’s understand why getting Prosthetic limbs is a good idea.

Prosthetics are used to replace a missing body part.

Prosthetic limbs can be used for both arms and legs, depending on the patient's needs. Some people may choose to use prosthetics in order to improve mobility, while others may choose them for cosmetic purposes only.

In most cases, prosthetics are made out of plastic or metal but there are also other materials being used as well (like carbon fiber).

People think prosthetic limbs will help them to regain their mobility

Prosthetic limbs can be used to help people do everyday tasks like walk, hold things and even climb stairs. However, they are not as good as natural limbs and they can't be used in every situation (for example if you fall down).

Some people who lose their limbs also want to look like they have their original body part back.

This is because it makes them feel better about themselves, and it helps them become more confident.

People can get prosthetic limbs that look more like normal arms and legs than ever before.

Prosthetic limbs are made of different materials, and they can be designed to look more like the original limb. In fact, some prosthetic limbs are made to look more natural than others.

The reason for this is that there are two main types of prosthetic limbs: cosmetic (or cosmesis) and functional-oriented. Cosmetic or cosmesis limbs tend to resemble real arms or legs as much as possible; however, these kinds of adaptations may not be functional enough for everyday use. Functional-oriented prosthetics serve a different purpose; they're designed with specific tasks in mind: running marathons or playing basketball would require very different types of equipment than sitting at a desk all day long!

Prosthetics are a little expensive.

Prosthetics are a little expensive, but they can be covered by insurance.

If you're wondering why people think prosthetic limbs are a good idea, it's because they're affordable. If you don't have insurance and want to get a prosthetic limb anyway, there are still ways for you to afford it.

You might be wondering if getting a prosthetic limb is the right thing for you.

There are many reasons why people have chosen to get prosthetic limbs, but it's important to consider all of them before making your decision.


If you're thinking about getting a prosthetic limb, it's important to know what you can expect and make sure that it's right for your needs. Prosthetics are little expensive, so make sure you have insurance coverage before going down this road. You can also talk with an expert in Artalive  who can help determine if getting a prosthetic limb is right for your situation or not.

Contact Info:

Visit us:

No 16, Persiaran 65C, Pekeliling Business Centre, Off Jalan Pahang Barat, 53000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Contact: +60 3–4032 4273

Author: Sudarsan Swain

Thursday, February 9, 2023

DapatkanAnggotaTiruan Mampu Milik daripadaArtalive

 Anggota Badan TiruandaripadaArtaliveadalahanggotatiruanberkualititinggi yang memberikanrupa dan rasa yang realistikbagimereka yang kehilangananggota badan. Anggota badan diperbuatdaripadabahantahanlasak yang direkabentukuntukmenahanhaus dan lusuhharian dan iadidatangkandenganpelbagaiwarnakulitsecaraestetikuntukdipadankandenganwarnakulitsemulajadianda. AnggotaTiruan juga dilengkapidengansendiTiruanrealistikberkualititinggi yang membolehkanandamenggerakkan dan meletakkananggotadengancarasemulajadi.

Perkembanganterkinidalamanggotatiruantelahmembolehkanramai orang menggantikananggota badan yang hilang dan memulihkanfungsinyaseawalmungkin.Kemajuandalamteknologitelahmembolehkan kami menciptaanggotatiruan yang ringan, tahanlasak dan luarbiasasepertihidup.


Artalivetelahmenyediakanperkhidmatanprostetik dan ortotiksejak 1983, dan setiap kali merekapercayauntukmembawainovasibaharuberbandingteknologisemasa. Artalivebenar-benarmemahamikeperluanpesakit dan membantumerekadengankeperluankhususmereka pada harga yang berpatutan. Selain daripadainiterdapatpelbagaiperkara lain yang dinyatakan di bawahini;

1- Perkhidmatansepanjanghayat:SebaiksahajaandaberdaftardenganArtalive, andamenjadipelanggan kami yang dihargaiuntukseumurhidup dan denganitu, kami menawarkanperkhidmatanterbaik yang mungkintermasukPenjagaanProstetik, penjagaanOrtotik dan penyelesaianpenjagaan Kaki.

2- Dapatkanpemeriksaan oleh professional klinikal yang bertauliah dan berkelayakantinggi: Artalivemempunyai professional berkelayakantinggi yang memahamimasalahanda dan memberiandapenyelesaian yang berkesan.Mereka bekerjakerassupayaandabolehmenjalanikehidupanandasepertibiasatanpasebarangkomplikasi.

3- Warantipemasanganselama 6 bulan: Apa yang pelangganbolehmemintalebihbanyak? Dapatkanwaranti yang sesuaiselama 6 bulanselepaspemasanganpertamaandabagiprosthesis dan ortosis. Jika sebarangmasalahberterusan, andabolehmelawatpusat kami dengantemujanjiterlebihdahulu dan membetulkannya.

4-Waranti pada soket yang pecah& Penyesuai khasselama 5 tahun: Anda bolehmendapatkanwarantiselama 5 tahunbukansahaja pada soket yang pecahtetapi juga pada mana-mana penyesuaikhas yang andabeli.

5- Latihan Gaya BerjalansecaraMendalam: DapatkanlatihanfizikalsecaramendalamuntukperantiProstetikanda. Fahamipenggunaannya, carapenyelenggaraan, carapenjagaan dan banyaklagidenganbantuan blog kami dan juga pakarterlatih.

Jadi iniadalahbeberapafaedah yang andaakandapatdaripadaArtalive. Layari laman web kami untukbutirantambahan.

Contact Info:

Visit us:

No 16, Persiaran 65C, Pekeliling Business Centre, Off Jalan Pahang Barat, 53000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Contact: +60 3–4032 4273

Author: Sudarsan Swain

Monday, February 6, 2023

Get Affordable Prosthetic Limbs from Artalive

 The Prosthetic Limbs from Artalive are high-quality artificial limb that provides a realistic look alike and feel for those who have lost their limbs. The limbs are made of durable materials that are designed to withstand daily wear and tear and it comes with aesthetically variety of skin tones to match your natural skin color. The Prosthetic Limb is also equipped with a high quality realistic prosthetic joint that allows you to move and position the limb in a natural way.

The recent developments in prosthetic limbs have made it possible for many people to replace their lost limbs and recover their functionality as early as possible. Advances in technology have allowed us to create artificial limbs that are lightweight, durable, and exceptionally lifelike.

Why to choose Artalive for your prosthetic needs?

Artalive has been providing prosthetics and orthotics services since 1983, and each and every time they believe to bring the new innovations compared with the current technology. Artalive truly understands the patient’s needs and helps them with their specialized requirements at an affordable price. Apart from this there are various other points which are mentioned below;

1- Lifetime service: Once you get registered with Artalive, you become our valued customer for lifetime and thus, we offer you the best possible services which include Prosthetic Care, Orthotics care, and Foot care solutions.

2- Get examined by certified and highly qualified clinical professionals: Artalive has highly qualified professionals who understand your problems and give you effective solutions. They work hard so that you can live your life normally without any complications.

3- Fitting warranty for 6 months: What can a customer ask for more? Get a fitting warranty for 6 months after your first fitment of prosthesis & orthosis. If any problem persists you can visit our centre with prior appointment and get it fixed.

4-Warranty on Socket breakage & Special Adaptors for 5 years: You can avail a warranty of 5 years not only on the socket breakage but also on any special adapters you buy.

5- In-depth Gait Training: Get in depth physical training of your Prosthetic devices. Understand its usage, how to maintain, how to take care and much more with the help of our blogs and also trained experts.

So these are some of the benefits you will get from Artalive. Visit our website for additional details.

Contact Info:
Visit us:

No 16, Persiaran 65C, Pekeliling Business Centre, Off Jalan Pahang Barat, 53000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Contact: +60 3–4032 4273

Author: Sudarsan Swain

Artalive- Menyokong Anggota Badan Prostetik yang Boleh Dicapai dan Mampu Milik

Anggota badan prostetik telah menjadi inovasi yang mengubah hidup berjuta-juta orang di seluruh dunia. Mereka menawarkan harapan dan kebebas...